黃思翰工作經歷至今十年餘載,在設計行業中不斷攀升,雖畢業於建築設計,但工作習性不限於專業的限制,勇於突破和嘗試的個性促使能力駕馭企業管理、室內設計和品牌設計等等;在近年與不同企業如上海湃喏文化、馬來西亞的 Matt & White Design 合作創作許多精選作品。
Jacky Huang graduated from Curtin University with Bachelor of Architectural Science and began working in architecture and interior design-related industries in 2010. His professional experience spans Taipei, Shanghai, Kuala Lumpur, and São Paulo, with a portfolio concentrated in the Asia.
Jacky Huang has worked in the design industry for over ten years, continuously climbing the ranks. Although he graduated with a degree in architectural design, his work habits are not confined to professional limits. His boldness in breaking through and trying new things has enabled him to handle corporate management, interior design, and brand design, among others. In recent years, he has collaborated with various companies, such as Shanghai PANO Culture and Malaysia's Matt & White Design, to create numerous selected works.
• 負責在中國大陸地區尋找商業合作機會,與客戶溝通協商項目細節,成功簽約多個合作夥伴,有效擴大了公司的業務規模。
• 招募和培養高質量設計人才,建立設計團隊,提升公司設計能力和市場競爭力。
• 與馬來西亞團隊保持緊密合作,確保遠程團隊合作項目順利進行。
上海楊浦 Blacksheep YOGA Studio
上海長寧與浦東 拉蒂娜南美烤肉
上海長寧 樂意坊意大利比薩店
上海楊浦 超點創意粵菜
意大利威尼斯 AROMA冰店
• 參與並主導多個建築設計項目,包括商業、住宅和文化等類型。
• 為公司的文旅項目提供策劃和設計方案,包括景觀設計、室內設計和展覽設計等。
上海金山 樂高樂園商業街
上海浦東 湃喏文化體驗工廠
上海浦東 三灶港文旅規劃
南京 正大文旅規劃
• 管理公司運營,把控招聘人才,優化管理規範;
• 協助員工目標,掌握部門動向,核實制度落實;
浙江莫干山 CASA度假村
杭州 IHAPPY企業總部
深圳龍崗 藝術街區
• 全程參與,配合主創設計執行項目的調研、規劃、設計與匯報。
• 監督項目,指導設計師的工作,並把控設計圖紙、匯報文檔等內容的交付時間。
南京 金沙灣高爾夫球會所
華住集團 - 禧玥酒店 全季酒店
• 按照上級傳達的設計需求,聽從設計主任的安排,製作建築圖紙的繪圖工作;
• 繪製圖紙時,需負責核對設計,確保設計內容符合建築規範;
• 在工作內部協助外籍設計師的翻譯工作,確保與國內設計師的溝通無縫銜接。
Focused on building high-efficiency team operations and clear communication bridges, through precise project management and resource allocation, we ensure that each design project not only adheres to the schedule but also exceeds client expectations.
I provide full-process design services from concept ideation to final implementation. Whether it is architecture design, interior design or brand image design, we offer a comprehensive solution that allows clients to enjoy a seamless and consistent experience throughout the entire design process.
I understand and respect the design needs and business environments of different cultures. My global perspective enables me to provide tailored services to international clients. Whether in Asia, Europe, or the Americas, I ensure the local adaptability and innovation of our services, helping businesses stand out in the global market.